Year 1 Outcomes

This project began in January 2020 with the intention of addressing the complex colonial system that elevates some voices and pushes others to the margins. There were systemic structures that were already problematic, including funding models and access to arts spaces. The pandemic amplified difficulties in an already inequitable system.

We realized quite early on that one of our main focuses needed to be relationship building and education across the province The cohort model, allowed for new relationships to form and for us all to be witnesses to each others learning.

“I feel more comfortable talking about uncomfortable things and being vulnerable with this. And I want to do this more, which is a change.”
— Emerging Change cohort participant
I was exposed to so many relevant voices in the resource, interviews and other cohort members that it expanded my knowledge and gave me paths to future growth and learning.
— Emerging Change cohort participant
“I found that I altered my thinking in a lot of areas where I previously believed I had a clear understanding of these issues surrounding racism and diversity.”
— Emerging Change cohort participant

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Our virtual cohorts were groundbreaking with the participation of BC artists, administrators and funders together problem solving and mapping the connections of our provincial arts ecosystem.

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Cohort participants from isolated, rural communities around the province were able to establish new relationships and partnerships. We have established a strong province-wide network of allies, with community participants from BC.

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The Rural Arts Inclusion Lab provided diversity & inclusion training and systems change classes to over 200 artists and organizations across the country.

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We are studying 12 pilot projects across the province that are addressing systems change in innovative ways, including an Artist Residency program at The Civic Theatre.



Some outcomes from Year 2